Category: Social Impact

Sex Trafficking in Miami

BY JENNIFER ATTILUS Every year, millions of tourists’ flock to Miami and the beaches, also known as “Sin City,” to live the life and feel like a star for the weekend. But for many young girls in Miami, the life is their reality and they are the star of the show, not just for the weekend, but for years and sometimes forever. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children is the buying and...

It Won’t Get Better Without You and Me

BY Felecia Theune, Ph.D. It’s early Sunday evening and I get caught in the downtown traffic of satisfied Miami Heat fans leaving American Airlines Arena on Biscayne Boulevard after another victory. Panhandlers, some in hand-me-down Heat t-shirts, beg for spare change but are largely ignored, as are a seemingly growing homeless population who make their home along NE 6th Street. A woman who...