Nonprofit Partners

Miami Community is grateful for its NonProfit Partners that come together to shape our Community. 


Overtown Youth Center’s mission is to inspire and empower youth and families by fostering hope through enrichment services.​

Health in the Hood implements and maintains community gardens in food deserts, along with nutrition and fitness education, in order to break barriers between low-income communites and healthy choices.  

Honey Shine, Inc. is a mentoring program designed to provide young girls an opportunity to excel in life. Honey Shine engages professional women from all ethnicities to create experiences to expose, intrigue and stimulate growth and positive character development for girls

Urban Promise Miami forms a safe and supportive environment to equip Miami’s inner city children and young adults with the necessary skills to attain academic achievement, life management, and leadership skills.

As a Miami Community member, we will commit to expanding your organization’s voice throughout Miami by providing marketing services, volunteer opportunities, and exposure to potential sponsors.

If you are a 501(c) nonprofit that is interested in partnering with Miami Community contact