
On Thursday, April 16th, Miami Community launched an Instagram series called, #UniteMiami. During COVID-19, all of our lives where changed, forever. The pandemic forced us to be quarantined and as a Miami Community team, we had to step back and see what role we can play in the new “normal”. We decided to use our social media platform for the purpose to unite our community during the demands of social distancing. #UniteMiami is a series hosted by Miami Community. Highlighting: Miami Heroes and Local Social Issues.

For the past few weeks, we have had the honor to highlight Child Abuse Prevention, Food Deserts during COVID-19, The need for Foster Parents in Miami-Dade County, The Rise of Domestic Violence during COVID-19, Mental Health Awareness, Latinos Role Against Racism and Gun Violence in our Community. Along with a community initiative called, “10 Days of Connection” and a special coverage of a protest organized by the Dream Defenders of Miami.

To watch some of these conversations, please click on the links below.

Highlighting: Gun Violence in our Community

A conversation with Miami Hero- Tangela Sears, Founder of Florida Parents of Murdered Children

Website: https://www.instagram.com/tanlsears/

Watch Here

Highlighting: Latinos Role Against Racism

A conversation with Miami Hero- JennyLee Molina, Founder of JLPR, 305 Cafecito and 305 Day

Website: https://www.instagram.com/jennyleeisme/

Watch Here

Highlighting: Mental Health Awareness

A conversation with Laurence Estime, Program Coordinator with NAMI Miami-Dade

Website: www.namimiami.org

Watch Here 

Highlighting: The Rise of Domestic Violence during COVID-19

A conversation with Miami Hero- Somy Ali, Founder and Executive Director of No More Tears USA

Website: www.nomoretearsusa.org.

Watch Here 

Highlighting: 10 Days of Connection

A conversation with Miami Hero- Joan Godoy, Executive Director of Radical Partners


Website: www.10daysofconnection.org


Watch Here


Highlighting: The need for Foster Parents in Miami-Dade County

A conversation with Miami Hero- Alicia Curtis, the Foster Care Recruitment Specialist for Citrus Family Care Network.


Website: www.citrusfcn.com


Click Here to Watch

Unfortunately, we do not have links to watch two important conversations we had but please visit the websites below to support these organizations.

Highlighting: Food Deserts during Covid-19.

A conversation with Miami Hero- Asha Walker, the Founder and Executive Director of Health in the Hood

Website: www.healthinthehood.org

Highlighting: Child Abuse Prevention Month


A conversation with Miami Hero- Amanda G. Altman, Esq. CEO of Kristi House


Website: www.kristihouse.org